Who’s Really in Charge

I present this article.  I read this opinion piece this morning while checking on my investments in the Market.  I submit that the watchers of money and the markets have some of the best news and opinion right now.  Some not so much.  But we all have such a high stake in this.

Trump doesn’t understand that bluster can’t defeat the coronavirus.

With that said:

A very well written opinion.  And one that has been shared by me since the virus was first reported in China.  It didn’t and doesn’t take a Ph.D. to figure out that it would be a very sort matter of time before it would be hitting our shores.  Viruses have been a threat to human existence since well… we have been human.  And it has been shown time and time again in recorded history, that we can only save ourselves if we act accordingly.  Except for the time that Alley Cats saved us.  Some have mentioned, through creativity, that we are a virus ourselves.  And I might venture to agree with them.

I apologize for my long hiatus.  Partly involuntary.  Life changes have rescheduled things for me, and I regret that sharing thoughts and conversation with people was one of the things that got prioritized nearly off the list.  I am glad to see that a great number of my friends and associates have grown and are doing fairly well.  And, I am happy that the rest of us are still out here trying to share and provide help and comfort for each other.  I would say now more than ever.  But I think we should always be doing this.  The virus certainly has had something to say about that.

There are no politics here.  There is no money.  It is a matter of human survival.  There will be no economy if the global population doesn’t not survive in enough numbers to restart it.  That is something I guess we have become too prideful to believe can happen.  Yet we are watching it happen in little bits every single day.  At what point does the global (the includes the Island of the United States), population become too small to sustain itself and its huge economies and governments?  I know there are scholars out there figuring this in, but we haven’t heard from them lately.  I don’t know if I would talk now either.  Not with the Donald is our “King in Chief.”

I’ve lost so much money here. My iron stomach churns, and I begin to doubt myself and some of the stocks that I continue to hold, despite them being so worthless right now that I really don’t own them. Any lower and I may owe money on them. (Trying for a moment of levity here).  But right now, I am drawing on my previous existence as early man and letting the instinct to survive, take the wheel.  That is a primal instinct that has taken us through some of the worst moments in human history, and it’s my opinion that it will get us through this.

The virus IS in charge.  And there is nothing that Donald Trump can do about it.  Only WE the people can gather the information we need and choose to survive on our own.  Only WE can defeat COVID-19.  To my friends who keep looking toward the Administration and the Media for what to believe, forget that!  Do what you know you need to do to insure the survival of yourself, your loved ones and, the human race in general.  Stop looking to others for what you know is the right thing to do.

To my friends who are already doing it: I say Thank You.  You are my heroes.  Risking everything you have bought, built and ever will by staying in place and working to provide survival for your fellow humans.  That is the biggest asset that we as a planet possess.  The virus doesn’t care who we are or what we do.  So, I surmise that the only way to beat it is for us to care.  We can beat it with CARE.

Much love peoples.  If we all survive, I hope to speak with you all again.

Ya boy Toby

Is This Trump’s America?

It’s been a long time since I posted.  I hope that you all have not forgotten about me.  I’ve been sitting back watching.  From Obama’s last 4 years to Trumps first 4 months, it’s been quite a ride.  But now it’s starting to get bumpy.  I figured I had better start tossing out some food for thought again.  This seems as good a time as any when you consider that it seems we are on borrowed time.

With all of that said, I would kindly suggest that Donald Trump step down as President of the United States of America.  I would kindly submit the same as a request.

I would first say that Americans who are concerned about their own privacy have nothing to be concerned about regarding the Legal Surveillance of Donald Trump and his team.  If this is being conducted; there is a reason for it.  Someone, somewhere has been doing wrong against this country that everyone claims to love, and the authorities are attempting to follow up on it.

Before I go on, let me throw a little logic into the mix.  Barack Obama as outgoing President, has no concerns about Donald Trump.  As evidenced by the many photos we have seen of Obama finally getting a chance to TRY and relax in Hawaii after so many years of resistance.  Quite honestly, I think he was far too concerned with getting the hell out of Washington to care what Trump was doing.  Think about it for a while before you read on.  I will wait.

Now… if the Intelligence collection was lawful, and Sean Spicer just admitted that it was in his last news conference, then there is a reason for it.  This is not some “Fake News” conspiracy theory.  This is a legal investigation.  And I have seen my share of Presidents go through this.  Only one did not survive.  That was Richard Nixon.  He did not survive the investigation because he was wrong.  And he acted like a man, and resigned.

To see Donald Trump Tweeting, (does he actually do anything Presidential, or is this just more reality TV?  With our lives?), all of this “Fake News, conspiracy, Obama is sick” crap is actually making me sick.  And I mean physically sick!  Nausea, headaches, insomnia.  For the first time in my life, I really don’t feel comfortable with the future.  And this is coming from a guy who has had to face the uncertainty of the criminal justice system and prison!  If you want to know fear, it starts right there.  Until now.

This Trump guy is running another reality show and he is improvising with our safety, our money, our health care, or legacy (the environment), or simply, our lives.  He has no idea what he is doing and is surrounded by people with just as little experience and with their own full agenda.  White Nationalism being one of them.  That one is pretty important to me as a black male watching a lot of younger black males try to grow up behind me.  But that’s not the only one that concerns me.

Where do I start?  A Muslim travel ban?  Really?  But let’s take Iraq out of it because we do get some oil imports from them right?  No, that’s not the reason at all.  So forget that.  Let’s talk about Muslims.  Their religion is Islam.  So you are banning them on the basis of religion, correct? (Rhetorical).  Has anyone explained to this man that Holy Wars never end?  Has Donald Trump called it that?  No.  But in so many words.  All of this talk about people “pouring” in and being dangerous.  You mean like when black people move into your neighborhood Donald?  No one is “pouring” into America like so much foul water.  And for those of you that are robots to the politics of fear, please educate yourselves.  If you need help, please contact me and I will direct you to the resources you need to learn more.

Now of this “Fake News” thing, we have a real problem.  The first problem is that there is a lot of fake news out there.  On that, Donald Trump and I agree.  The second problem is that Donald Trump can’t tell me what’s fake and what’s not.  He has neither the right, nor the power to define my reality.  We can all be assured that he will try in as Fascist a way as possible.  But he cannot and will not be allowed to do that in my house!  I would suggest to everyone else to do the same.  Just as you don’t take Obama’s word for it, or Fox’ word for it or even mine; DO YOUR RESEARCH!  Find your own facts.

The government, Universities, and even outlets outside the country keep very accurate records of things you can use to determine on your own, what is true and what is false.  Then you can decide what is fake and what isn’t.  Then you can decide what’s truly important to you and make that clear to your local representatives.  These are the people that can keep Donald Trump in check.  Or choose to put someone who knows what they are doing in his place.  And that may very well be the best thing for the country.

Beyond all the tough guy talk and the dominating discussions, there is a world out there that we have to be a part of.  It demands diplomacy, patience, intelligence and, a deep love of people.  I have yet to see any of those things from this President.  No new jobs, except Border Patrol and ICE.  The coming roll back for LGBT rights.  I don’t think I am being paranoid if I say that womens’ and civil rights will probably be next.  Deregulation of the banks.  Great.  Will we survive that again?  Not likely.  Ending the moratorium on mountain stripping for coal?  Oh, there’s a few million jobs for all the unemployed in this country.  Better get up there and see those mountains before West Virginia becomes a plains state.

And apparently no desire to attempt to become anyone but a laughing stock for the world and secret lover to Vladimir Putin.

That’s what we’ve go so far.  There’s more and more to come.  But we will talk about all of that later.

Until next time,


The Press

So why all of these questions about Brian Williams integrity and reliability?

Every media reporter on this planet should follow his lead. In fact, the biggest liars out there should be going home behind him today. Brian lied, and then told the truth. Good for him!

Now how many of the rest of these story tellers are going to follow suit? Or are they all going to jump on their high horses and point their fingers at him for the rest of their untruthful careers?

The news media needs a complete overhaul just as much as the government does. I trust none of them. They are all simply trying to secure and keep their jobs at the expense of the wondering public.

From NBC to Fox to Russia Today, lies are being spread like butter on a roll, and people are believing it all, like the gospel. (God forbid I would mention God in all this). But I thought that telling the truth is a Godly notion? For those people that claim religion, telling the truth is the first thing you must do, regardless of what your Producer tells you. Even if you are the Producer.

The Jews are not responsible for all the worlds wars. Nor is America, or anywhere else in the West. The media is. They are also currently responsible for the troubles in my personal relationships as well. (Not that I don’t own it. I do. But they are not helping me currently with a woman I love dearly from another country).

And they all lie for the purpose of ratings and to have something else to fill the void in the 24 hour news cycle. These people get paid, and are often paid so well, that they are part of the 1%, or the ruling class as some would call it. Why would they not bend the truth a little just to keep you watching, and us fighting? If I want to make my point, I have to tune in tonight so that I can gather more ammunition in my fight to prove myself right. They count on that, from all of us. From America to the Ukraine and all the way around the globe.

And they are full of shit! Brian Williams was just the first person to say it without being pressed against the wall to do it. I wonder how many of these other folks will have an attack of conscious and admit to it themselves? Dumbass Don Lemon, I’m looking at you. Fox News? Looking squarely in your direction. MSNBC? Somebody speak up. Other than Melissa Harris-Perry.

But if you are telling people every day what is going on, why it’s going on, and who may or may not be the person generating this news, you have an obligation. An obligation to tell the truth. To be honest, whether it’s something you agree with or not. If you loose your job, at least you can do it with dignity. I would rather be homeless and correct; than warm and dry and a liar. And I can tell you, I have been put to that test. I was not homeless, but I wasn’t warm, dry, and comfortable at home either.

What can we do about it? I recently told someone that they had told me enough of what was wrong and who’s fault it was, and now what are we going to do about it?! I eagerly await their answer because I know that whatever it is, it’s going to create a lot of discomfort and sacrifice on the people’s part, and the follow up to that question will be, will everyone want to do it.

If we have to live without news or heat, or Internet, or fast food (Papa John?), or nice clothes, or cheap Chinese made goods…etc. Will we as people, be willing to suffer those things to force the world to tell us the truth. Will we be willing to shed blood, or even die to force governments to treat us with respect, or stop the police from killing our kids?

What will we do to stop ISIS from taking over the Middle East? Is that too huge to assume it won’t happen? If Obama can’t talk to Iran, who will? Will you? Why aren’t we waiting for the Ukraine to ask us for help before we give rebels more reasons to shoot at their citizens?

Why won’t anyone stand up to Congress and force them to work with the President to solve problems, rather than ruining the American people trying to prove that they will not take orders from “that” Commander in Chief? Why won’t we either recognize our entire government or not at all. Not just the parts that look like us.

What very uncomfortable steps will we as human beings take, to give tomorrow’s adults a world that they can live in? It might be easier to do if we knew the entire truth.

Journalists, the ball’s in your court.


The Game of Syria

I had been debating whether to post on the lack of participation in the March on Washington by Republican leadership last week.  That whole thing has left me with a lot of questions.  But it seems the new game of Syria has distracted me from a cause I wish I didn’t have to take up.

The first round of the game is the reaction of the world to President Obama’s decision to withhold action and defer to Congress for backing.  From the people who have tried to taunt the United States by calling it a cowardly move, to the John McCains who are now claiming that Obama did not need to ask for permission to make a move.

Am I the only one who thinks McCain would have been the first person in line to have the President impeached for putting the US in a war without asking Congress?  Sometimes it’s not the racism that bothers me as much as the feeling that all of these guys and gals on The Hill think that all of the American people that voted them into office must be stupid.  Maybe we were stupid for voting for them, but we’re not too stupid to see the games they play, and with other peoples lives at that.

The lives of the Syrian people are at stake.  The lives of our women and men of the armed forces are also going to be at stake shortly, and we’re still catching our breath from the last 12 years of straight war.  But it’s all a polictical game to some people.  A President who has to delay action just to cover his ass and a Senator that has to find a fault with a man covering his ass.

That is in my definition, a game, and with Russia, China, and Iran not wanting us in there, this thing could be getting bigger before it gets smaller.  Like a giant penis with a bunch of little penises running around trying to control it.

I’m not sure what to make of this game because I don’t see that a winner is possible in this one.  I am on edge because I do think that there should be serious consequences to using chemical weapons on anyone, much less citizens of your own country.  I empathize with people that disagree, but if you’ve ever seen what that stuff does up close and not on video or better yet, had the stuff used on you; I suspect you would be feeling about as prickly as I’m feeling right now.  And if you don’t want to find out, then we have to do this.

For all my buddies out there in the Architectural field, check out this article on Yahoo! from our friends in the UK.